domingo, 7 de mayo de 2017

THE ARCTIC: an Odd Pinging Noise, that seems to be coming from… the Sea Floo

THE ARCTIC: an Odd Pinging Noise, that seems to be coming from… the Sea Floor!

Jean-Michel Roche

If you believe in the Kraken, take notes.

The Canadian military is investigating a strange pinging noise emerging from the sea floor close to a remote outpost located in the Arctic.

The Canadian Armed Forces sent out a crew to examine the reports of the mysterious pinging noise that appears to come from the sea floor.

According to CBC News, the inhabitants in the isolated community in Igloolik, Nunavut have been hearing a noise during the summer.

They have not found an identifiable cause.

The Canadian Armed Forces stated that they are taking the appropriate steps to investigate the situation.

The noise has been described sounding like different things like a beep, hum, and a ping.

This has been heard in the Fury and Hecla Strait, around 75 miles northwest of Igloolik for several months now.

Cumberland Peninsula of Baffin Island, aerial photo by Doc Searls.

A military patrol aircraft had been sent to investigate the area on November 1st.

A statement to a British newspaper from department spokeswoman Ashley Lemire stated that different multisensor searches have been completed in the area.

This included a 1.5-hour sonar search that failed to detect any anomalies.

She also stated that the crew didn’t detect any subsurface or surface contacts; at this time the Department of National Defense doesn’t intend to complete any further investigations.

The region of a thinly dispersed population is known to be inhabited by many sea mammals during warmer times, but they are often times hunted by the local Inuits.

These hunters have been hearing the ominous sounds for some time now, and they said that it seems to be scaring the wildlife away.

People who visit the area on private yachts are also reporting hearing the mysterious pinging noise.

It appears that this noise can be heard close to the surface of the water, but also through the hull of boats.

Northwest Passage routes

CBC News noted that their reporters have not heard any of the noises themselves.

They don’t have any more information from those that have alleged to hear the sound.

Yet, it’s no surprise that several theories related to the origin of the noise have come up during the wake of the first reports.

One of them is that the Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation is to blame even though plenty of sonar surveys have been conducted in the region lately.

Ecological activists are saying there might be some confused local whales and narwhal populations.

Sonar is something that mining companies use to make a detailed map of the sea floor while they are searching for offshore gas and oil.

Sonar is known to disturb marine life such as dolphins and whales.

Even so, the Baffinland Iron Mines Corporations, which has performed surveys nearby, stated to CBC that they have no equipment in the water at this time.

The local government has stated that they have not issued any territorial permits to companies or groups for any hydrographic or construction work to be done in the region.

Some have proposed that Greenpeace may be deploying underwater sonar emissions to scare aquatic life away, mainly so that the Inuit can’t hunt them.

A spokesperson from the group denied this accusation while talking with CBC News.

It was noted that they respect the rights of the Inuit people who engage in such hunting.

The Department of National Defense noted that submarines passing through the area have not been ruled out, but they’re very unlikely to be the cause of the noise.

Igloolik is just 43 miles away from an active military base, so if secret military experiments are one of your favorite kinds of conspiracy theories, then there could be something to latch on to.

A map showing Cumberland Sound and nearby areas.

This hasn’t been the first strange noise that the Canadian government has been asked to investigate.

For years, there has been a low rumbling sound known as the Windsor Hum that has plagued the residents of Windsor, Ontario.

At this time, research into this other noise has failed to discover the origin, IFLScience reported.

But for now, the noise is still not explained.

It’s definitely not the Cthulhu, though.



La gran mayoría de personas solemos pensar que los animales más felices y sanos son aquellos que viven en libertad.

Pero un nuevo estudio realizado con delfines y publicado en la revista PLoS ONE acaba de tirar por tierra esta idea. Al menos con los CETÁCEOS. 

La razón es principalmente su salud. Los Delfines Salvajes están expuestos a un mayor número de contaminantes, que aquellos que viven en cautividad, lo que podría explicar por qué se enfrentan a más enfermedades.

Para llegar a estas conclusiones, los investigadores analizaron la salud de dos poblaciones de delfines salvajes (una en Florida y otra en Carolina del Sur) y la compararon con homónimos suyos que vivían en cautividad en Georgia y California.

Estos últimos mostraron estar en mejor estado de salud.


Menos de la mitad de los Delfines Salvajes analizados eran "Clínicamente Normales" y sus sistemas inmunes se habían activado de forma crónica, lo que indica que estaban luchando contra enfermedades.

Según explica Patricia Fair, autora de la investigación, "esto es probablemente el resultado de vivir en libertad, donde se encuentran con Patógenos, Parásitos y Contaminantes Antropogénicos que no existen en los hábitats controlados".

En los seres humanos, este tipo de respuesta inmune crónica se ha relacionado con el Cáncer, problemas de Corazón y una mayor vulnerabilidad a Enfermedades Infecciosas.

Por su parte, el co-autor del estudio, Gregory Bossart, veterinario jefe del Acuario de Georgia, ha estudiado la salud de más de 360 delfines que habitan en la Laguna Indian River, en Florida y Charleston desde el 2003.

Desde entonces, él y sus colegas han documentado "Enfermedades Infecciosas Emergentes, Tumores, Bacterias Resistentes a los Antibióticos, y niveles alarmantes de contaminantes en los delfines de ambas poblaciones salvajes".

Como grandes depredadores ubicados en la parte superior de la cadena alimenticia, los delfines también acumulan las Toxinas que ingieren sus presas.

Los estudios han demostrado que los delfines de la Laguna Indian River tienen altos niveles de Mercurio.

Investigaciones previas también han demostrado la evidencia de enfermedades fúngicas en estos delfines, "así como nuevos Virus y Agentes Infecciosos Emergentes, así como patógenos procedentes de la forma de vida de los seres humanos".

En Charleston (Carolina del Sur), los delfines mostraban altos niveles de Productos Químicos Orgánicos procedentes de la vida humana, los cuales proceden probablemente de la industria.

Estos Delfines Salvajes están tratando de decirnos algo, y no les estamos escuchando", afirma Bossart.

El investigador explica que, "como Especie Centinela, los delfines son de gran importancia para medir la salud general de nuestros océanos.

Si los Delfines Salvajes no están viviendo bien, también es indicativo del impacto que están recibiendo nuestros océanos e incluso una alerta para nuestra propia salud.

En cambio, sus compañeros que viven en hábitats controlados no muestran estos indicativos ni han activado de forma crónica su sistema inmune, lo que para los investigadores no es sorprendente.

"Los delfines que viven bajo el cuidado humano están expuestos a un menor número de patógenos, a consecuencia de los controles ambientales de agua, a que reciben alimentos de calidad y disfrutan de Programas Médicos Preventivos."